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Limp Libido? Spicing Up Sexuality
Single or committed, sometimes your libido just isn't what you'd like it to be. Stress, family,
children, and work are just a few things that may influence the temperature of your sex
life. Admittedly, some people are always ready for sexual excitement and adventure. For others,
interest in sex may vascillate with mood, time of day, or weather.However, if you find yourself
without any interest in sex for an extended period of time, here are a few ways to spice up your
sex life.
Spice it Up
First, give your heart a different kind of exercise workout. Love is more than romance
and sexuality. A key componenet to love, romance, and sexuality is self esteem. give your self
perception and self worth a little love (and in turn, your libido). Honor the child that lies
within--make your own heart sing. Give love to others--knowing that you have the ability
to bring others joy and happines has the potential to brighten your own day as well. You reap
what you sow!
Second, change around your bedroom. Move around the furniture, buy new sheets, change
the room around so that you feel sexual when you are in your bedroom. Get rid of clutter.
You have to want to seduce yourself before seducing anyone else--make your bedroom a stage
for lovemaking. Create an environment you find sexual.
Lastly, talk to yourself in loving ways not in critical tones. Tell yourself positive, loving
comments, not the hypercritical negative self judgments everyone typically makes about themselves.
There's a reason why there is a saying "love yourself". The best way to attract love is to be
loving of others and of oneself--it is sexy, attractive, and let's face it, if you don't love yourself,
how can u expect others to do the same?